Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Child Development for Spiritual and Cognitive - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theChild Development for Spiritual and Cognitive Behaviour. Answer: Introduction Understanding child development is very crucial to any given guardian or a parent to understand the emotional, physical, spiritual and cognitive behaviour of the child. Various scholars has tried to explain different theories that explain what happens at each level. If a child is fixated at any given age level it leads to erotic behaviour. The following written material shows how the three years old girl is linked to theories of development. Physical development Ruby is always happy when cutting, sticking or colouring. She is more attracted to her toy than anything else and she spends a lot of time making clothes and food for them. She always finds her mum to help her put buttons and put on shoes to her toy. Ruby is seen to like to wear her lovely batman outfit, she does this always upon her aunts visit to her home. Ruby also loves her favourite dress that makes her feel highly appreciated. She always likes to wear that dress when going out. Rubys behaviour can be derived from the theoretical framework of infant development. According to Garvis et al., (2017) he suggested that physical environment starts from an intermediate of a child and entails development of motor skills for example running ,climbing trees and pedalling the bicycle. Boys are said to develop the motor skills very fast compared to the girls. Ruby a three years old girl, she is energetic and is always found playing with other children, she is also seen trying to ride her bicycle just like the boys within their area do. Ruby is seen making an attempt to climb on a jungle gym but it is very hard for her. Ruby has some of the skills listed in the theory like ridding bicycle and buttoning up the clothes for her toy and also feeding them. Cognitive development The mind development is seen in our study little girl Ruby, she waits for her dad to come back since the dad like to have a rough and tumble on the floor. Ruby loves playing with the elder brother and tries to copy him when he is doing his homework. She loves talking much with her mother and enjoys other things such as visiting the library, baking, reading books and also playing make believe when she pretends to be Dorothy and her mum as the captain feather sword. it's also seen how ruby starts to remember the major words in her favourite book and most of the times she points some words that are linked to the pictures. The cognitive behaviour shown by Ruby can be closely linked to the theory of cognitive development by Piaget According to Sigelman et al., (2016) suggested that young children according to Piaget's theory when they are in the preoperational stage they show an advancement in thinking but they are not in a position to hold a very complex relationship. For example, the child cannot understand that the dad at one time was a little kid of her grandmother. Ruby is sometimes given the puzzle to fill by her father, he gave her either one big chocolate fish or gave her five tiny chocolate fish but ruby instead chose five fishes. The second time she was given two things, a short and fat glass of juice but she chooses the tall thin glass. The cognitive perspective the young children can benefit from both sensory and motor schemes for their little to a more complex thought (DeVellis, R. F., 2016). The preoperational reasoning is seen from about two to six years and is reflected by a change by use of symbolic thinking that allows children to interact with other children, to be able to use language, children try to play with their imaginations. The child may also not be able to understand that her brother is also his sister brother. In order to understand this complex closeness, the child needs a cognitive ability that is beyond preoperational reasoning. Those kids in preoperational stage are prone to making many errors and some of them include centration, egocentrism, animism, and irreversibility. According to Piaget's sensorimotor tasks they bring down children or the infants cognitive potential. His practical aspect of preoperational thinking also underrates infants. He argues that infant's tasks depend much on the language rather than his or her any action. Social culture development Ruby always copies what the brother does. Copying is part of social culture view. She always likes to associate with the teachers and she loves them. Socially she is developing even we can see her taking cleaning responsibility. As we can see from development theory we can then link the behaviour to the theory of Vygotsky. The social culture development was developed by Vygotsky (Levykh, M. G., 2008). The social culture theory determines how we see a thing and how we become. What children becomes, not from what they do but what they learn when they associate with others. According to him, the social culture perspective is that, the social experiences that the child develops they get it from their experiences. Emotional development According to our text ruby goes to early childhood centre and sometimes finds it difficult to tell her mum goodbye, she pleads her mother not to leave her and sometimes gets angry. Ruby likes when her favourite toy is brought from home and hold it close to her. Although she is clever in a way she gets disappointed at times. She is able to express her emotion in words. her parents are very good listener's since they listen to her always and consider her views about what she needs to eat maybe in lunch, what she will have to do in the afternoon. If ruby doesn't find what she desires she goes to bed. Sometimes she is allowed to read her favourite if her dad had already read the story and told them good night. We can link her behaviour with the theory that was developed by Erik Erikson. This theory explains how the inborn qualities of a child and the environment relate to influence a behaviour. Erik dealt with social culture and developed eight stages of psychosocial development (Garvis, S., Nislev, E., 2017). He said that in order for a child to go to the next level he or she needs to overcome some problems that arise from it and if one fails to do so it affects the future development. The most important thing as a parent is how to determine a child's spiritual attitude as they move up and grow. Between the age of three and five the cycle social crises as initiative versus guilt (Sigelman et al., (2016). The child can know what is wrong and right. Spiritual development Spiritual development is very crucial to childs life, spiritual growth is dependent on the environment the child grows. Ruby loves to be supportive and shows creativity by irrigating equipment and the farm and cleaning dishes after the meal. She is happy to move to the centre since she loved all the teachers, children and amazing equipment's. She finds it hard to leave her teacher in the centre but was able to change slowly and adapt to the change. Ruby spiritual development can be linked with the theory that was developed by Bronfenbrenner. He views how the child develops in a given environment within a system that he or she relates with. Bronfenbrenner gives a clear definition of the layers of the environment, each with an implication on the kid's growth of a child. The theory has been named as "bio ecological systems theory" to put emphasis on the baby's biology in an initial environment promoting her growth. The relations between the factor promoting maturity in the child's biology, the close family or community ecosystem and the societies background promotes and drives the child's growth and development. Changes or struggles in one layer will flow throughout the other layers (Tudge, J. R., 2009). To study a child's development then, we must look not only at the child and her immediate environment but also at the interaction of the larger environment as well. He described how the inherited characteristics of any given infant interact with the environment to determine infant development and growth. He said that it is very crucial to study a child in many environment (Sigelman et al., (2016). An infant finds themselves in different environments, home environment moving towards big school environment. Conclusion Ruby is a young girl whose parent should watch more closely every time to prevent any kind of fixation. From the critical study of the girl it is evident that, theories that are put in publicized materials are in line with the study that was done. It is of great importance for everybody under parenting process to understand the theories of child development. This will help in healthy parenting strategies that will enhance proper stage development of a child up to adulthood. Growth development of the child can be linked clearly with the theories of child development. References Garvis, S., Nislev, E. (2017). Mathematics with Infants and Toddlers. InEngaging Families as Children's First Mathematics Educators(pp. 33-46). Springer, Singapore. Levykh, M. G. (2008). The affective establishment and maintenance of Vygotskys zone of proximal development.Educational theory,58(1), 83-101. Kramer, M. S., Aboud, F., Mironova, E., Vanilovich, I., Platt, R. W., Matush, L., Collet, J. P. (2008). Breastfeeding and child cognitive development: new evidence from a large randomized trial.Archives of general psychiatry,65(5), 578-584. Sigelman, C.K., Rider, E.A., De George-Walker, L. (2016). Life span human development. (2nd ed.). South Melbourne, Vic, Australia: Cengage Learning. Tudge, J. R., Mokrova, I., Hatfield, B. E., Karnik, R. B. (2009). Uses and misuses of Bronfenbrenner's bio ecological theory of human development.Journal of Family Theory Review,1(4), 198-210.

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