Thursday, December 26, 2019

Second Quantum Number Definition

The second quantum number, â„“, is the quantum number associated with the angular momentum of an atomic electron. The second quantum number determines the shape of the electrons orbital. When the second quantum number is combined with the principal, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers, an electron in an atom is described completely. Also Known As: azimuthal quantum number, angular momentum quantum number Examples: A p orbital is associated with a second quantum number equal to 1.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Understanding the Complexity of Canadas Courts Essay

In America we have a complex system of courts that many do not understand, this is the same in many other countries too. There are many different types of court system you could have. There is Common Law, Civil Law, a mix of both and Islamic Law. America has a type of law called Common Law, which originally comes from England. This type just means that there are decisions by judges and courts. Another country with this law is Canada. When you look at the systems you can see how similar they are to each other. Both of these fine nations have judges and they have courts, where some are higher up than others. There is the Canadian Supreme Court, Tax Court, Court of Appeals, Providential Courts (the equivalent of district courts), and Court†¦show more content†¦The lower courts of the country follow the rulings and decisions of the higher courts. Canadas supreme Court has the authority to overrule all lower Canadian courts. When there is an issue that there is little existing Ca nadian decisions they will often look at rulings made by the English of American courts. There is a long standing correlation between Canadian and English law, where the examples of the English House of Appeals and House of Lords are followed. Since there is this history, decisions by the House of Lords will stand in Canada until overturned by the Canadian Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of Canada of created by the Supreme Court Act and consists of nine judges. Because of Quebecs use of Civil Law, by law, three judges must be appoint that are from there. There are four main levels to the court system. It starts with provincial/territorial courts. They are the courts that handle the most of the cases, including criminal, family (excluding divorce), those dealing with minors, traffic, and private ones involving money. On the next level are the Provincial/Territorial Superior courts, Federal Courts and Tax Courts. The Superior Courts are found in each province and have inherent jurisd iction, which means they can hear cases from anywhere unless they are from an area specifically designated to another court. Most of these courts have special divisions for different types of cases. EvenShow MoreRelatedIndigenous Peoples Of Aboriginal Communities1592 Words   |  7 Pages2009). As such, Aboriginal title and rights are separate from rights afforded to non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under Canadian common law. However, these legal interpretations and definitions of â€Å"Aboriginal title† often differ from Aboriginal understanding of title, which are centuries-old. The Delgamuukw decision of 1997, for example, defines Aboriginal title as a burden on the Crown’s underlying title- this means that Aboriginal title can be ceded or transferred only to the Crown.(UBC, 2009). 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New Methodology Constructing Real Estate †

Question: Discuss about the New Methodology for Constructing Real Estate. Answer: Introduction: Edmund's Tiew Property Pte Ltd portfolio property management is the process of asset selection and allocation as guided by an expert in asset maintenance and development. The process usually takes place after the portfolio has been chosen. Just like diversification in the traditional capital market, diversification is of great importance in residential investments. Thriving investors create collections in diverse categories of property and various residential markets. The main reason as to why private investors would never want all their features in a dangerous, prone area, at least not without extensive coverage of insurance. Individuals a times purchase residential as an investment property. Residential property can be bought, or esold for a gain. Investment reports offer a wide variety of purpose in investment recommendation. Investment reports are future-oriented. They provide support and create property base in which the amenity will be delivered to the client in the forthcoming. It also incorporates endorsement, information, responsibility, and measurement of performance documents all in one report. Secondly, investment reports provide information that is consistent, reliable, concise, timely and precise on particular property context, and on a variety of preferences facing real property outlet for requirements on asset uprightness and meeting client. Being an information manuscript, it is read by diverse parties involved in management, implementation, planning and having roles on property branch. Thirdly, investment reports confirm and crystalize organizational accountabilities. Through signature of inventing specialists, the reports indicate an agreement of different team members who are to implement the project as well as confirm the responsibility of the specific person for the quality of information provided .Lastly, investment reports measure the performance of task done .It is used during audit trail to check whether different cost centers are achieving the desired results. Investment reports provide a perilous reference fact during evaluations of program performance once project completion. In 2016, Dundee road residential market received a boost. There was a 34 percent year over year increase in investment volume. According to Regina Lim, the residential market in Dundee road is set for recovery in 2017.Inflation and GDP progression are projected to pick up in 2017; this will result in higher demand for residential market (Asia, 2017). With lion city being regarded as a nontoxic harbor for investment in property, it is confident that there will be an increase in investment size as new resource come into the market. An increase in gross domestic product is expected from 1.8 percent to 2.3 percent in 2017.With the growing tourist arrival figures and higher economic growth, this is supposed to boost the residential market. Retails mall is expected to transact. The residential market that is of good quality and positioned strategically bring more attraction to core investors yields which are still on the higher end than office assets. Also, tenancies have always been hardy even in downturns ("The outlook for Dundee roads real estate market in 2017 | The Investor", 2017) Government policies There have been some government policies that have a gross impact on the residential market. In January 2011, there was an increment of four years placed on the seller stamp duty holding period. Stamp duty underwent increment to 16%, 125, 8% and 4% for an asset procured in the first four years of obtaining. On January 2013, there was a raised imposed on additional buyer stamp. Citizens of Dundee road purchasing there second asset under residential category paid 7% while those buying their third spent 10 %.Permanent residents of Dundee road purchasing residential for the first time paid 5% while those purchasing for subsequent paid 10 %.In August 2013, permanent Dundee road residents who are new had to wait for the previous three years, they could be qualified to procure the resale residential property. The new tenancy refinancing facilities and housing loans were granted by financial institution were reduced to 30 years from 35 years for the buying of flats. In December 2013, the gov ernment came up with a policy that required the second timer applicants to pay a resale levy for the purchase of condominium units. The service ratio on the mortgage for mortgages was approved by the monetary institution for the directly purchased asset from originators was capped at 30% on monthly income gross of borrowers. In present portfolio model, the capital markets are presumed to be competent this is because it consists of an enormous number of profit-seeking, rational and risk-averting investors'. They race with each other in approximating the individual market and asset future value. The capital market is termed as useful since it quickly integrates any event affecting asset value and new changes. Markets are assumed to be efficient in that: First, many profit maximizing members are concerned with the valuation of asset and analysis, and these members function independently. Secondly, any new information about the property that comes into the market is independent. Thirdly, the majority of investors do price adjustment as fast as the original data regarding asset hits the market. However the prices might not always be perfect, they are not biased. Lastly, property price that exists in the market should be a fair reflection of all new risk and available information. Hence returns implicit cost r eflects the expected return and risk involved. With these suppositions, any asset is efficiently reflected if no other property offers expected performance that is higher baring same risk that is lower. Investing in a residential market is expanded within a region can be measured a passive investment strategy. Demand and supply forces in big capital markets can make such approach a reasonable selection for the majority of investors hence developing a clear risk management policy. Investors decide where they want to be within the practical limit regarding their attitude towards risk and efficacy function. They would the handpicked portfolio grounded on risk preference. Investors usually penalize returns expected on the risky portfolio to account for risk, the higher the penalization, the more significant the risk. Possible risk can be classified into different categories. First, the known-known, this is a condition where its origin can be recognized, and a precise likelihood and aftermath in the case of incidence can be premeditated. Secondly, there is unknown-known; this is the state of ambiguity where sources of risk cannot be identified, hence making any possibilities for its prob ability calculation ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). Lastly Investors face the risk of appropriate assessment when investing in condominiums. With the investment, the private association will require money to do a renovation of the units such as windows and doors, or other modification. This cost majorly cost a few dollars per unit. This is a catastrophe for the investors majorly those who do not stay in the condominiums. This renovation cost will impact on the income of the investor (DeFazio, DeFazio DeFazio, 2017). Market research The fresh apartment house influx in the marketplace has brought about a significant drop in the price of reserved accommodation. The analyst expects executives condominium units and the condo which are new and individual of approximate 26467 this year. The shift in trend on locations, where expatriates who preferred renting houses are now focusing on apartment instead. With narrow of rental prices between older private properties and apartments making condominiums more affordable for new expatriates. The changing aspects of supply and demand have grossly affected the marketplace, and its effect can be seen (, 2017).Having a quick glance at the forthcoming channel of projects in residential marketplace, there is an expectancy of 182506 units from 2015 to 2018(Kumar, 2017).The condominium units supply is kept a steady pace of 25000 units per year. Recently the take-up on condominium unit rate is still very high, and demand may increase from August 2016.However, the i ndicators on Dundee road population development rate seems to be fewer than healthy (Kumar,2017) Based on the chart above, there is an overall increasing trend in properties prices transacted. On April 2014 was the tender subject date. Alexis and B were negotiated two years before. Hence the two comparable Queen shave been exposed to an upward price adjustment. Suppose Alexis is incompletely developed. That shows that buyers would have to bear some form of loss like demolition cost before regeneration. Due to this factor, buyers can be dejected from purchasing this land portion. Hence Alexis is considered inferior compared to comparable Queens Hence Alexis is exposed to a rising price change. Adjustment for size differences is often made on the condominiums that the buyer can pay less per sq meter for a larger than for a smaller site. The number of bidders decreases as the price of purchasing land becomes expensive. Hence there will be less competition. Since the condominium under construction has a more prominent plot as compared to the Alexis and Rochester. Uneven shaped land reduces the rigidity in construction design thus cost alterations the form of utility is made. Rochester has an even shape, and its service would be made better comparable Queensto the predictable way of the subject, and Alexis. Thus Rochester is exposed to a descending alteration while Alexis is lay open to an increasing adjustment since it has a more uneven shape as compared to the subject Queens. Alexis Rochester Queens Price per m $9480.15 $10336.31 $10115 Date 15% 10% 10% Demolition Cost 5% 5% 5% Location 2% 5% 5% Size -30% -3% -10 Shape 20% 10% 20 Adjustment price per m $10618.00 $10026.00 $10205.0 There have been recent policies affecting values in Dundee road residential market. First, seller stamp duty only applies to assets traded within three years of acquisitions as it reduced by 4% each tier. Secondly, TDRS will not spread over to mortgage equity drawings loan with the loan to loan value ratio equal or below 50%.Thirdly, the introduction of additional conveyance duties for assets holding equity, plugs loophole which exempted companies from paying the additional conveyance duties in the past. Fourthly, reduction of cancellation fees from 20% to 5 % for executive houses. Lastly Resale levy for subsequent applicants. These valid to only fresh land sales which are sprang after December 2013("Dundee road Property Market Cooling Measures," 2017). Estimation of gross development value. Gross development value is an important valuation metric that investors and asset developers need to be well conversant with when constructing their venture and financial appraisal ("Gross Development Value (GDV) - Property Developers Guide to Financial Appraisals," 2017) Based on comparable Queens estimation the gross development value for constructing the condominium will be, GDV=10618.00*1200=$12741600 $12741600*645UNITS= =$8218332000 Estimated GDV will be $821833200 Based on price adjustment table, the condominium construction should range from $10618.00per m to $10026.00.Rochester is more similar to the new project recommendation; the land value is estimated at $ 10150 per m. LAND VALUE ESTIMATION=51528.89*10150=$523018233.5 The investor should bid should be 10% higher of the current market value of the condominium .Keeping in mind all the factors and cost used for the condominium construction. The investor should bid for tender at $523000000.00 for the comparable Queen which is the recommended investment. Conclusion According to the research on residential market in Dundee road investment, it is essential for the investor always to observe the following points. First, the market scenario for the basis for the return of a variety of investment, hence it is advisable for the investor to always be on upfront of all information updates on new policies and changes in conditions. Lastly, investors should have some of their savings in cash for and the rest in investment. The amount set as cash can be used during an emergency instead of liquidating investment on the long term. References Asia, R. (2017). The outlook for Dundee road's real estate market in 2017 | Retail News Asia. RetailNews Asia. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from roads-real-estate-market-2017/ Bogdanova, B., Drehmann, M. (2017). Strong outlook with low inflation spurs risk-taking. BIS Quarterly Review. 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A Rule-Based Generative Analysis Approach for Urban Planning. In Morphological Analysis of Cultural DNA (pp. 125-136). Springer Dundee road. Dundee road Property Market Cooling Measures. (2017). Retrieved 4 November 2017, from shan.M.Phua,H $Chi.S, H. (2017). An exploratory analysis of risks in green residential building construction projects: The case of Dundee road. Sustainability (pp. 9(7),1116). Sing, M. C., Edwards, D. J., Liu, H. J., Love, P. E. (2015). Forecasting private-sector construction works: VAR model using economic indicators. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 141(11), 04015037. Tu, Y., Wong, G. K. (2002). Public policies and public resale housing prices in Dundee road. Asian Real Estate Society. The outlook for Dundee roads real estate market in 2017 | The Investor. (2017). The Investor. Retrieved5November2017,from road/others/outlook-Dundee roads-real-estate-market-2017/ Yuen, J. Q., Olin, P. H., Lim, H. S., Benner, S. G., Sutherland, R. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Medicare Crisis free essay sample

Are radical measures necessary to preserve the program? Most people will answer yes if asked if Medicare is in a state of crisis. If you scrutinize the budget in detail, it is pretty obvious that sometime around 2050, the system will go bankrupt if it keeps the same standards and rules that it follows now. Since this is a government program, most of the public feel that it is up to the government to make sure that this does not happen and Medicare as we know it continues without problems. As a congressman who has been asked to prepare a paper on this dilemma, there are two options, a) eliminate Medicare and give the funds to the people who saved the money, or b) put more severe restrictions on Medicare that will influence all care for those who qualify for these funds in the future (http://www. garynorth. com/public/5545. cfm) How is Medicare funded now? Why do elderly people feel that Medicare is an insurance program and not a welfare program? Is this perception accurate? Most of the people who have followed the Medicare crisis know that this is not a dollar for dollar for program. We will write a custom essay sample on Medicare Crisis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The government has been dipping into the funds for years to pay off debts and to keep the economy solvent yet realizing at some point that those Medicare dollars will have to be accounted for. Medicare payroll taxes and premiums cover only 57% of current benefits. The other 47% comes from general funds. Within the two section, payroll taxes collect enough to pay Medicare Part A but not Parts B and D (http://useconomy. about. com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/Mandatory. htm). Most elderly people have live during the period since 1965 when the Medicare program was established. In a forty-five year period, the amount of money paid gives them some assurance that the dollars put into the system were safe-guarded for their use as they reached the age when they needed health insurance. Most do not see this as welfare but more as an entitlement. Unfortunately, most elderly do not realize that this money has been used for other debts and the government is relying on the money being paid into the system today by younger people in the workforce. Elder feel Medicare is deserved for the many years of work and either paying their own medical bills while paying into Medicare through their company or insurance. The younger workforce is smaller than the people now using the funds for healthcare needs. Should there be a Medicare program at all? Why should the government be involved in providing insurance to elderly people? Does Medicare have detrimental effects on the market for healthcare or on the market for health insurance? Taking citizens out of the Medicare program will mean some kind of either socialized structure or a tiered system of entering a different system as people age. It is not an all or none system that will work if everyone moves to another system unless a method for care is in place. Medicare promotes health insurance because many elderly who can afford additional coverage will buy the supplemental policies to keep from having the burden of a high bill if a catastrophic problem were to occur. With more than half of the government spending restricted to mandatory spending, it leaves very little to discretionary funds (http://useconomy. about. com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/Mandatory. htm). Are these economic effects, offset by the positive effects of the Medicare program for the elderly? What about the positive effects of caring for the elderly for society? Are there any externalities here? These are the current negative effects of the economic spending that may give positive gains to the Medicare program. A few years ago, the banks in our country were nearly bankrupt and needed a boost of funds to get them operating again. They next big drain has been mortgages and loss of homes due to a rigid budget in paying back these funds. The next big drain will be the retiring Baby Boomers who are now going into their retirement expecting all the funds they saved for years by working since they were either in college or in the armed service. They also feel entitled to their share of this dwindling piece of the pie (http://useconomy. bout. com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/Mandatory. htm). It is important to look at where the money is going. Are the doctors getting rich? Do the hospitals make too much money? I wouldn’t be surprised if the heavy part of the financial gain was not going to pharmaceuticals and supplies. The medications in the United States are drastically higher than in other countries. There has to be a reason for this. Someone is making top dollar for these medications when they cost so much less just over the border. The positive side of this situation is the need for responsibility of families for caring for the elderly. In many countries, it is expected that when the elderly can no longer live independently, they will live with their children. There are specific rules such as female children will house the parent and male children will assist with financing. As a nation, we have become reticent in the care of our elderly relatives. For some families, this is already an expectation. This is not to say that is some cases, there is no way a single child can care for an elder when there is no help, but this is probably a low percentage of those who are housed in nursing homes. Justify your position on either economic efficiency or equity grounds (or both). Sometimes it is easy to think poorly of Medicare, but it is just a tool of government and used only as a means to an end. It is apparent from the literature that Medicare not only makes it hard for the insured, it is difficult for physicians to get reimbursement and some waiting up to five years to get complete funding for services (Gatty, 2011);(Gatty, 2008). In the quality hospital patients get good care and the hospital gets a higher rate of reimbursement.