Thursday, December 26, 2019

Second Quantum Number Definition

The second quantum number, â„“, is the quantum number associated with the angular momentum of an atomic electron. The second quantum number determines the shape of the electrons orbital. When the second quantum number is combined with the principal, magnetic, and spin quantum numbers, an electron in an atom is described completely. Also Known As: azimuthal quantum number, angular momentum quantum number Examples: A p orbital is associated with a second quantum number equal to 1.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Understanding the Complexity of Canadas Courts Essay

In America we have a complex system of courts that many do not understand, this is the same in many other countries too. There are many different types of court system you could have. There is Common Law, Civil Law, a mix of both and Islamic Law. America has a type of law called Common Law, which originally comes from England. This type just means that there are decisions by judges and courts. Another country with this law is Canada. When you look at the systems you can see how similar they are to each other. Both of these fine nations have judges and they have courts, where some are higher up than others. There is the Canadian Supreme Court, Tax Court, Court of Appeals, Providential Courts (the equivalent of district courts), and Court†¦show more content†¦The lower courts of the country follow the rulings and decisions of the higher courts. Canadas supreme Court has the authority to overrule all lower Canadian courts. When there is an issue that there is little existing Ca nadian decisions they will often look at rulings made by the English of American courts. There is a long standing correlation between Canadian and English law, where the examples of the English House of Appeals and House of Lords are followed. Since there is this history, decisions by the House of Lords will stand in Canada until overturned by the Canadian Supreme Court. The Supreme Court of Canada of created by the Supreme Court Act and consists of nine judges. Because of Quebecs use of Civil Law, by law, three judges must be appoint that are from there. There are four main levels to the court system. It starts with provincial/territorial courts. They are the courts that handle the most of the cases, including criminal, family (excluding divorce), those dealing with minors, traffic, and private ones involving money. On the next level are the Provincial/Territorial Superior courts, Federal Courts and Tax Courts. The Superior Courts are found in each province and have inherent jurisd iction, which means they can hear cases from anywhere unless they are from an area specifically designated to another court. Most of these courts have special divisions for different types of cases. EvenShow MoreRelatedIndigenous Peoples Of Aboriginal Communities1592 Words   |  7 Pages2009). As such, Aboriginal title and rights are separate from rights afforded to non-Aboriginal Canadian citizens under Canadian common law. However, these legal interpretations and definitions of â€Å"Aboriginal title† often differ from Aboriginal understanding of title, which are centuries-old. The Delgamuukw decision of 1997, for example, defines Aboriginal title as a burden on the Crown’s underlying title- this means that Aboriginal title can be ceded or transferred only to the Crown.(UBC, 2009). 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No Harm/Specifics of a Remedy To avoid liability in this breach of contract lawsuit, Ken’s best defence is that the plaintiff, Amber, is not entitled to a remedy becauseRead MoreThe Opposition Of Judicial Activism3815 Words   |  16 Pagesn response to the criticisms of those who are anti-judicial activism, â€Å"supporters of judicial activism say such activism through judicial review is necessary because it allows the courts to step in and fill gaps in the law where minorities are not protected because of political pressures and where politicians are afraid to legislate† . 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

New Methodology Constructing Real Estate †

Question: Discuss about the New Methodology for Constructing Real Estate. Answer: Introduction: Edmund's Tiew Property Pte Ltd portfolio property management is the process of asset selection and allocation as guided by an expert in asset maintenance and development. The process usually takes place after the portfolio has been chosen. Just like diversification in the traditional capital market, diversification is of great importance in residential investments. Thriving investors create collections in diverse categories of property and various residential markets. The main reason as to why private investors would never want all their features in a dangerous, prone area, at least not without extensive coverage of insurance. Individuals a times purchase residential as an investment property. Residential property can be bought, or esold for a gain. Investment reports offer a wide variety of purpose in investment recommendation. Investment reports are future-oriented. They provide support and create property base in which the amenity will be delivered to the client in the forthcoming. It also incorporates endorsement, information, responsibility, and measurement of performance documents all in one report. Secondly, investment reports provide information that is consistent, reliable, concise, timely and precise on particular property context, and on a variety of preferences facing real property outlet for requirements on asset uprightness and meeting client. Being an information manuscript, it is read by diverse parties involved in management, implementation, planning and having roles on property branch. Thirdly, investment reports confirm and crystalize organizational accountabilities. Through signature of inventing specialists, the reports indicate an agreement of different team members who are to implement the project as well as confirm the responsibility of the specific person for the quality of information provided .Lastly, investment reports measure the performance of task done .It is used during audit trail to check whether different cost centers are achieving the desired results. Investment reports provide a perilous reference fact during evaluations of program performance once project completion. In 2016, Dundee road residential market received a boost. There was a 34 percent year over year increase in investment volume. According to Regina Lim, the residential market in Dundee road is set for recovery in 2017.Inflation and GDP progression are projected to pick up in 2017; this will result in higher demand for residential market (Asia, 2017). With lion city being regarded as a nontoxic harbor for investment in property, it is confident that there will be an increase in investment size as new resource come into the market. An increase in gross domestic product is expected from 1.8 percent to 2.3 percent in 2017.With the growing tourist arrival figures and higher economic growth, this is supposed to boost the residential market. Retails mall is expected to transact. The residential market that is of good quality and positioned strategically bring more attraction to core investors yields which are still on the higher end than office assets. Also, tenancies have always been hardy even in downturns ("The outlook for Dundee roads real estate market in 2017 | The Investor", 2017) Government policies There have been some government policies that have a gross impact on the residential market. In January 2011, there was an increment of four years placed on the seller stamp duty holding period. Stamp duty underwent increment to 16%, 125, 8% and 4% for an asset procured in the first four years of obtaining. On January 2013, there was a raised imposed on additional buyer stamp. Citizens of Dundee road purchasing there second asset under residential category paid 7% while those buying their third spent 10 %.Permanent residents of Dundee road purchasing residential for the first time paid 5% while those purchasing for subsequent paid 10 %.In August 2013, permanent Dundee road residents who are new had to wait for the previous three years, they could be qualified to procure the resale residential property. The new tenancy refinancing facilities and housing loans were granted by financial institution were reduced to 30 years from 35 years for the buying of flats. In December 2013, the gov ernment came up with a policy that required the second timer applicants to pay a resale levy for the purchase of condominium units. The service ratio on the mortgage for mortgages was approved by the monetary institution for the directly purchased asset from originators was capped at 30% on monthly income gross of borrowers. In present portfolio model, the capital markets are presumed to be competent this is because it consists of an enormous number of profit-seeking, rational and risk-averting investors'. They race with each other in approximating the individual market and asset future value. The capital market is termed as useful since it quickly integrates any event affecting asset value and new changes. Markets are assumed to be efficient in that: First, many profit maximizing members are concerned with the valuation of asset and analysis, and these members function independently. Secondly, any new information about the property that comes into the market is independent. Thirdly, the majority of investors do price adjustment as fast as the original data regarding asset hits the market. However the prices might not always be perfect, they are not biased. Lastly, property price that exists in the market should be a fair reflection of all new risk and available information. Hence returns implicit cost r eflects the expected return and risk involved. With these suppositions, any asset is efficiently reflected if no other property offers expected performance that is higher baring same risk that is lower. Investing in a residential market is expanded within a region can be measured a passive investment strategy. Demand and supply forces in big capital markets can make such approach a reasonable selection for the majority of investors hence developing a clear risk management policy. Investors decide where they want to be within the practical limit regarding their attitude towards risk and efficacy function. They would the handpicked portfolio grounded on risk preference. Investors usually penalize returns expected on the risky portfolio to account for risk, the higher the penalization, the more significant the risk. Possible risk can be classified into different categories. First, the known-known, this is a condition where its origin can be recognized, and a precise likelihood and aftermath in the case of incidence can be premeditated. Secondly, there is unknown-known; this is the state of ambiguity where sources of risk cannot be identified, hence making any possibilities for its prob ability calculation ("Forbes Welcome", 2017). Lastly Investors face the risk of appropriate assessment when investing in condominiums. With the investment, the private association will require money to do a renovation of the units such as windows and doors, or other modification. This cost majorly cost a few dollars per unit. This is a catastrophe for the investors majorly those who do not stay in the condominiums. This renovation cost will impact on the income of the investor (DeFazio, DeFazio DeFazio, 2017). Market research The fresh apartment house influx in the marketplace has brought about a significant drop in the price of reserved accommodation. The analyst expects executives condominium units and the condo which are new and individual of approximate 26467 this year. The shift in trend on locations, where expatriates who preferred renting houses are now focusing on apartment instead. With narrow of rental prices between older private properties and apartments making condominiums more affordable for new expatriates. The changing aspects of supply and demand have grossly affected the marketplace, and its effect can be seen (, 2017).Having a quick glance at the forthcoming channel of projects in residential marketplace, there is an expectancy of 182506 units from 2015 to 2018(Kumar, 2017).The condominium units supply is kept a steady pace of 25000 units per year. Recently the take-up on condominium unit rate is still very high, and demand may increase from August 2016.However, the i ndicators on Dundee road population development rate seems to be fewer than healthy (Kumar,2017) Based on the chart above, there is an overall increasing trend in properties prices transacted. On April 2014 was the tender subject date. Alexis and B were negotiated two years before. Hence the two comparable Queen shave been exposed to an upward price adjustment. Suppose Alexis is incompletely developed. That shows that buyers would have to bear some form of loss like demolition cost before regeneration. Due to this factor, buyers can be dejected from purchasing this land portion. Hence Alexis is considered inferior compared to comparable Queens Hence Alexis is exposed to a rising price change. Adjustment for size differences is often made on the condominiums that the buyer can pay less per sq meter for a larger than for a smaller site. The number of bidders decreases as the price of purchasing land becomes expensive. Hence there will be less competition. Since the condominium under construction has a more prominent plot as compared to the Alexis and Rochester. Uneven shaped land reduces the rigidity in construction design thus cost alterations the form of utility is made. Rochester has an even shape, and its service would be made better comparable Queensto the predictable way of the subject, and Alexis. Thus Rochester is exposed to a descending alteration while Alexis is lay open to an increasing adjustment since it has a more uneven shape as compared to the subject Queens. Alexis Rochester Queens Price per m $9480.15 $10336.31 $10115 Date 15% 10% 10% Demolition Cost 5% 5% 5% Location 2% 5% 5% Size -30% -3% -10 Shape 20% 10% 20 Adjustment price per m $10618.00 $10026.00 $10205.0 There have been recent policies affecting values in Dundee road residential market. First, seller stamp duty only applies to assets traded within three years of acquisitions as it reduced by 4% each tier. Secondly, TDRS will not spread over to mortgage equity drawings loan with the loan to loan value ratio equal or below 50%.Thirdly, the introduction of additional conveyance duties for assets holding equity, plugs loophole which exempted companies from paying the additional conveyance duties in the past. Fourthly, reduction of cancellation fees from 20% to 5 % for executive houses. Lastly Resale levy for subsequent applicants. These valid to only fresh land sales which are sprang after December 2013("Dundee road Property Market Cooling Measures," 2017). Estimation of gross development value. Gross development value is an important valuation metric that investors and asset developers need to be well conversant with when constructing their venture and financial appraisal ("Gross Development Value (GDV) - Property Developers Guide to Financial Appraisals," 2017) Based on comparable Queens estimation the gross development value for constructing the condominium will be, GDV=10618.00*1200=$12741600 $12741600*645UNITS= =$8218332000 Estimated GDV will be $821833200 Based on price adjustment table, the condominium construction should range from $10618.00per m to $10026.00.Rochester is more similar to the new project recommendation; the land value is estimated at $ 10150 per m. LAND VALUE ESTIMATION=51528.89*10150=$523018233.5 The investor should bid should be 10% higher of the current market value of the condominium .Keeping in mind all the factors and cost used for the condominium construction. The investor should bid for tender at $523000000.00 for the comparable Queen which is the recommended investment. Conclusion According to the research on residential market in Dundee road investment, it is essential for the investor always to observe the following points. First, the market scenario for the basis for the return of a variety of investment, hence it is advisable for the investor to always be on upfront of all information updates on new policies and changes in conditions. Lastly, investors should have some of their savings in cash for and the rest in investment. The amount set as cash can be used during an emergency instead of liquidating investment on the long term. References Asia, R. (2017). The outlook for Dundee road's real estate market in 2017 | Retail News Asia. RetailNews Asia. Retrieved 5 November 2017, from roads-real-estate-market-2017/ Bogdanova, B., Drehmann, M. (2017). Strong outlook with low inflation spurs risk-taking. BIS Quarterly Review. Cost to build a condominium - Estimates and Prices at Fixr. (2017). Retrieved 4 November 2017, from (2017),from DeFazio, F., DeFazio, F., DeFazio, F. (2017). Why Condos Arent Good Real Estate Investments. The BiggerPocketsBlog.Retrieved8November2017,from ForbesWelcome.(2017), from Gross Development Value (GDV) - Property Developers Guide to Financial Appraisals. (2017). Investment Property Partners. Retrieved 4 November 2017, from Jiang, L., Phillips, P. C., Yu, J. (2014). A new hedonic regression for real estate prices applied to the Dundee road residential market. Jiang, L., Phillips, P. C., Yu, J. (2015). New methodology for constructing real estate price indices applied to the Dundee road residential market. Journal of Banking Finance, 61, S121-S131. Kumar,S.(2017),from road/ Shifting demand and supply trends in Dundee roads rental market. (2017). Retrieved 4 November 2017, from roads-rental-market Stouffs, R., Janssen, P. (2017). A Rule-Based Generative Analysis Approach for Urban Planning. In Morphological Analysis of Cultural DNA (pp. 125-136). Springer Dundee road. Dundee road Property Market Cooling Measures. (2017). Retrieved 4 November 2017, from shan.M.Phua,H $Chi.S, H. (2017). An exploratory analysis of risks in green residential building construction projects: The case of Dundee road. Sustainability (pp. 9(7),1116). Sing, M. C., Edwards, D. J., Liu, H. J., Love, P. E. (2015). Forecasting private-sector construction works: VAR model using economic indicators. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 141(11), 04015037. Tu, Y., Wong, G. K. (2002). Public policies and public resale housing prices in Dundee road. Asian Real Estate Society. The outlook for Dundee roads real estate market in 2017 | The Investor. (2017). The Investor. Retrieved5November2017,from road/others/outlook-Dundee roads-real-estate-market-2017/ Yuen, J. Q., Olin, P. H., Lim, H. S., Benner, S. G., Sutherland, R. 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Monday, December 2, 2019

Medicare Crisis free essay sample

Are radical measures necessary to preserve the program? Most people will answer yes if asked if Medicare is in a state of crisis. If you scrutinize the budget in detail, it is pretty obvious that sometime around 2050, the system will go bankrupt if it keeps the same standards and rules that it follows now. Since this is a government program, most of the public feel that it is up to the government to make sure that this does not happen and Medicare as we know it continues without problems. As a congressman who has been asked to prepare a paper on this dilemma, there are two options, a) eliminate Medicare and give the funds to the people who saved the money, or b) put more severe restrictions on Medicare that will influence all care for those who qualify for these funds in the future (http://www. garynorth. com/public/5545. cfm) How is Medicare funded now? Why do elderly people feel that Medicare is an insurance program and not a welfare program? Is this perception accurate? Most of the people who have followed the Medicare crisis know that this is not a dollar for dollar for program. We will write a custom essay sample on Medicare Crisis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The government has been dipping into the funds for years to pay off debts and to keep the economy solvent yet realizing at some point that those Medicare dollars will have to be accounted for. Medicare payroll taxes and premiums cover only 57% of current benefits. The other 47% comes from general funds. Within the two section, payroll taxes collect enough to pay Medicare Part A but not Parts B and D (http://useconomy. about. com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/Mandatory. htm). Most elderly people have live during the period since 1965 when the Medicare program was established. In a forty-five year period, the amount of money paid gives them some assurance that the dollars put into the system were safe-guarded for their use as they reached the age when they needed health insurance. Most do not see this as welfare but more as an entitlement. Unfortunately, most elderly do not realize that this money has been used for other debts and the government is relying on the money being paid into the system today by younger people in the workforce. Elder feel Medicare is deserved for the many years of work and either paying their own medical bills while paying into Medicare through their company or insurance. The younger workforce is smaller than the people now using the funds for healthcare needs. Should there be a Medicare program at all? Why should the government be involved in providing insurance to elderly people? Does Medicare have detrimental effects on the market for healthcare or on the market for health insurance? Taking citizens out of the Medicare program will mean some kind of either socialized structure or a tiered system of entering a different system as people age. It is not an all or none system that will work if everyone moves to another system unless a method for care is in place. Medicare promotes health insurance because many elderly who can afford additional coverage will buy the supplemental policies to keep from having the burden of a high bill if a catastrophic problem were to occur. With more than half of the government spending restricted to mandatory spending, it leaves very little to discretionary funds (http://useconomy. about. com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/Mandatory. htm). Are these economic effects, offset by the positive effects of the Medicare program for the elderly? What about the positive effects of caring for the elderly for society? Are there any externalities here? These are the current negative effects of the economic spending that may give positive gains to the Medicare program. A few years ago, the banks in our country were nearly bankrupt and needed a boost of funds to get them operating again. They next big drain has been mortgages and loss of homes due to a rigid budget in paying back these funds. The next big drain will be the retiring Baby Boomers who are now going into their retirement expecting all the funds they saved for years by working since they were either in college or in the armed service. They also feel entitled to their share of this dwindling piece of the pie (http://useconomy. bout. com/od/fiscalpolicy/p/Mandatory. htm). It is important to look at where the money is going. Are the doctors getting rich? Do the hospitals make too much money? I wouldn’t be surprised if the heavy part of the financial gain was not going to pharmaceuticals and supplies. The medications in the United States are drastically higher than in other countries. There has to be a reason for this. Someone is making top dollar for these medications when they cost so much less just over the border. The positive side of this situation is the need for responsibility of families for caring for the elderly. In many countries, it is expected that when the elderly can no longer live independently, they will live with their children. There are specific rules such as female children will house the parent and male children will assist with financing. As a nation, we have become reticent in the care of our elderly relatives. For some families, this is already an expectation. This is not to say that is some cases, there is no way a single child can care for an elder when there is no help, but this is probably a low percentage of those who are housed in nursing homes. Justify your position on either economic efficiency or equity grounds (or both). Sometimes it is easy to think poorly of Medicare, but it is just a tool of government and used only as a means to an end. It is apparent from the literature that Medicare not only makes it hard for the insured, it is difficult for physicians to get reimbursement and some waiting up to five years to get complete funding for services (Gatty, 2011);(Gatty, 2008). In the quality hospital patients get good care and the hospital gets a higher rate of reimbursement.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Professionalism in the Healthcare Field

Professionalism in the Healthcare Field Free Online Research Papers Table of Contents Cover Page†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Page 1 Table of Contents†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Page 2 Outline of Report†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Page 3 Contributions Page†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Page 4 Professionalism Report Main Text†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Page 5,6,7 Glossary†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.Page 8 Bibliography†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Page 9 Outline: I. What is professionalism? II. The aspects of professionalism. III. Weighing the cost of being unprofessional? IV. Personal experiences with people who were professional and those who were not. V. Professionalism to be or not to be? Individual Contributions Page I researched and wrote this paper so termed â€Å"Professionalism in Today’s Vernacular.† This includes the text main body, title page, outline, glossary and bibliography. Accordingly, I also helped to coordinate the remaining group of students catching them up to speed on the professionalism group project. I also contributed terms and ideas to the power point group project which includes saving the document to memory and helping to make copies. Additionally, I will make the opening statements and give a verbal presentation on the first section. Professionalism can be defined in many different ways and from many different perspectives. As defined by today’s vernacular it can defined as an awareness of the conduct, aims and qualities defining a given profession, familiarity with professional codes of ethics, and understanding of ethical schools of thought, patient professional interaction models, and patient rights (Towsley-Cook and Young 8). Professionalism means being the very best you can be. This mindset or set of values is conveyed to everyone around you and your workplace both on and off the job. Additionally, your attitude is also a direct reflection of who you are. Moreover, the way you treat your staff and co-workers is a mirror reflection of your level of professionalism. Another prime example would be what you say about your company, medical program or workplace while away from the site will give other’s a great insight into your professionalism. In reality almost everything you do is a reflect ion good or bad (Gage 2007). There are many aspects to professionalism. It is important to understand that professionalism is verbal and it is nonverbal it can also be physical or non physical. The impact of the first impression speaks volumes of a person and is not easily erased. So it is always important to be your best and project yourself in a positive manner. Within thirty seconds people will from an opinion of who they think you are. This will include but is not limited to your: economical level, educational level, trustworthiness, social position, level of sophistication, social and educational heritage, success in current and previous endeavors, moral character and if they like you (Gage 2007)! A young professional must also realize nonverbal cues speak volumes also about who you are. This would include the way you dress your apparel does it fit properly is it too tight, does it match, is it clean and pressed, is it appropriate for the situation? Another area of interest is mannerisms, for exampl e body language. How close do you stand to one another, do you stand confidently or slouching? Eye contact is another big category, do you look at someone when there talking to you, do you pay attention? Facial expressions also are huge do you smile a lot or frown, do you look puzzled or knowledgeable. All these characteristics install confidence in the minds of the person or persons that we are dealing with on a daily basis. â€Å"According to study conducted at the University of California Los Angeles, fifty-five percent of what we communicate is in our body language. Only seven percent has to do with the words we use (Gage2007).† Workplace communication is another important aspect or indicator of professionalism. This would include communication on the phones, voice mail, email, written notes, letters and penmanship. It shouldn’t matter if patients or customers are around or not professionalism is twenty four hours a day seven days a week it’s an att itude or mindset that all young professionals should endeavor to acquire or be. When answering the phones try to answer by the third ring, identify yourself and the department you’re working in. Speak clearly and enunciate a loud clear manner and return calls as quickly as possible. When leaving a voicemail speak loudly, leave a clear and short message and identify yourself also leave your number twice so you’re not misunderstood. Avoid taking cell phone calls when with a co-worker or patient and don’t forget to turn off the cell phone totally when you’re in a meeting. Email messages should be kept short and to the point and replied with the original message in the body of the text. Netiquette remember nothing is private; if your message needs no response let the recipient know. A high level of professionalism will pay dividends in the long run and you will enjoy an increase in confidence and credibility from co-workers and patients and most of res pect from others (Gage 2007). The cost of being unprofessional can be high. In today’s society in the age of computers and detailed records a reputation is not easily overcome so it is important not to get a negative report from anyone. It has also been said the modern world is a very small place because of our high tech communications such as telephone, email etc. Especially in the medical field it can cost you your job, state license or worse yet even your certification. It can be the difference in a raise or even a promotion. So it is important to act in a professional manner at all times. Personally I have had experiences with many people who were professional and many people who were not. For example I have been at medical offices where the doctor in charge was rude, indifferent and arrogant. I can tell you that reflected poorly in my confidence in his ability to handle my medical needs and handle my case with thoroughness and effectiveness. I reasoned how can a man with sound judgment function highly in one area and neglect so many others and not be aware of his surroundings? So it is important to be well rounded and not to neglect any one aspect of one’s self. You could probably say a spirit of excellence is required to portray professionalism; be well organized, groomed, alert and courteous! Professionalism to be or not to be; was there really ever any question no, of course not! Professionalism is a requirement of all, young and old alike. It behooves everybody to act in a professional manner at all times it can only have a positive effect on all of the individuals involved in any given situation and on any given day! Glossary of Terms Netiquette – a widely excepted system of manners and codes of conduct when using the internet or email. Professionalism an awareness of the conduct, aims and qualities defining a given profession, familiarity with professional codes of ethics, and understanding of ethical schools of thought, patient professional interaction models, and patient rights Dividends a resultant return or reward; an individual share of something distributed Arrogant exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate ones own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner Enunciate to make a definite or systematic statement; to announce, proclaim, articulate, or pronounce Sophistication the process or result of becoming cultured, knowledgeable, or disillusioned; the process or result of becoming more complex, developed, or subtle Heritage property that descends to an heir; something transmitted by or acquired from a predecessor; something possessed as a result of ones natural situation or birth Ethics the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation; a set of moral principles; a theory or system of moral values; the principles of conduct governing an individual or a group Bibliography Gage, K Professionalism in Your Workplace. Retrieved October 13, 2007, from Turningpoint Web site: Towsley-Cook, Doreen and Terese A. Young. Ethical and Legal Issues For Imaging Professionals. 2nd ed. St Louis, Missouri: Mosby Elsevier, 2007 Research Papers on Professionalism in the Healthcare FieldThe Fifth HorsemanMoral and Ethical Issues in Hiring New EmployeesAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementStandardized TestingThree Concepts of PsychodynamicRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andResearch Process Part OneBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalArguments for Physician-Assisted Suicide (PAS)

Saturday, November 23, 2019

George Catlin, Biography of Painter of Native Americans

George Catlin, Biography of Painter of Native Americans The American artist George Catlin became fascinated with Native Americans in the early 1800s and traveled extensively throughout North America so he could document their lives on canvas. In his paintings and writings, Catlin portrayed Indian society in considerable detail. â€Å"Catlin’s Indian Gallery,† an exhibit which opened in New York City in 1837, was an early opportunity for people living in an eastern city to appreciate the lives of the Indians still living freely and practicing their traditions on the western frontier. The vivid paintings produced by Catlin were not always appreciated in his own time. He tried to sell his paintings to the U.S. government and was rebuffed. But eventually he was recognized as a remarkable artist and today many of his paintings reside in the Smithsonian Institution and other museums. Catlin wrote of his travels. And he is credited with first proposing the idea of National Parks  in one of his books.  Catlins proposal came decades before the US government would create the first National Park. Early Life George Catlin was born in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania on July 26, 1796. His mother and grandmother had been held hostage during an Indian uprising in Pennsylvania known as the Wyoming Valley Massacre some 20 years earlier, and Catlin would have heard many stories about Indians as a child. He spent much of his childhood wandering in the woods and searching for Indian artifacts. As a young man, Catlin trained to be a lawyer, and he briefly practiced law in Wilkes Barre. But he developed a passion for painting. By 1821, at the age of 25, Catlin was living in Philadelphia and trying to pursue a career as a portrait painter. While in Philadelphia Catlin enjoyed visiting the museum administered by Charles Wilson Peale, which contained numerous items related to Indians and also to the expedition of Lewis and Clark. When a delegation of western Indians visited Philadelphia, Catlin painted them and decided to learn all he could of their history. In the late 1820s, Catlin painted portraits, including one of New York governor DeWitt Clinton. At one point Clinton gave him a commission to create lithographs of scenes from the newly opened Erie Canal, for a commemorative booklet. In 1828 Catlin married Clara Gregory, who was from a prosperous family of merchants in Albany, New York. Despite his happy marriage, Catlin desired to venture off see the west. Western Travels In 1830, Catlin realized his ambition to visit the west and arrived in St. Louis, which was then the edge of the American frontier. He met William Clark, who, a quarter-century earlier, had led the famed Lewis and Clark Expedition to the Pacific Ocean and back. Clark held an official position as the superintendent of Indian affairs. He was impressed by Catlin’s desire to document Indian life and provided him with passes so he could visit Indian reservations. The aging explorer shared with Catlin an extremely valuable piece of knowledge, Clark’s map of the West. It was, at the time, the most detailed map of North America west of the Mississippi. Throughout the 1830s Catlin traveled extensively, often living among the Indians. In 1832 he began to paint the Sioux, who were at first highly suspicious of his ability to record detailed images on paper. However, one of the chiefs declared that Catlin’s â€Å"medicine† was good, and he was allowed to paint the tribe extensively. Catlin often painted portraits of individual Indians, but he also depicted daily life, recording scenes of rituals and even sports. In one painting Catlin depicts himself and an Indian guide wearing the pelts of wolves while crawling in the prairie grass to closely observe a herd of buffalo. Catlins Indian Gallery In 1837 Catlin opened a gallery of his paintings in New York City, billing it as â€Å"Catlin’s Indian Gallery.† It could be considered the first â€Å"Wild West† show, as it revealed the exotic life of the Indians of the west to city dwellers. Catlin wanted his exhibit to be taken seriously as historical documentation of Indian life, and he endeavored to sell his collected paintings to the US Congress. One of his great hopes was that his paintings would be the centerpiece of a national museum devoted to Indian life. The Congress was not interested in purchasing Catlin’s paintings, and when he exhibited them in other eastern cities they were not as popular as they had been in New York. Frustrated, Catlin left for England, where he found success showing his paintings in London. Decades later, Catlins obituary on the front page of the New York Times noted that in London he had reached great popularity, with members of the aristocracy flocking to see his paintings.   Catlin’s Classic Book on Indian Life In 1841 Catlin published, in London, a book titled Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the North American Indians. The book, more than 800 pages in two volumes, contained a vast wealth of material gathered during Catlin’s travels among the Indians. The book went through a number of editions. At one point in the book Catlin detailed how the enormous herds of buffalo on the western plains were being destroyed because robes made of their fur had become so popular in eastern cities. Perceptively noting what today we would recognize as an ecological disaster, Catlin made a startling proposal. He suggested that the government should set aside enormous tracts of western lands to preserve them in their natural state. George Catlin can thus be credited with first suggesting the creation of National Parks. His Later Life Catlin returned to the United States and again tried to get the Congress to buy his paintings. He was unsuccessful. He was swindled in some land investments and was in financial distress. He decided to return to Europe. In Paris, Catlin managed to settle his debts by selling the bulk of his collection of paintings to an American businessman, who stored them in a locomotive factory in Philadelphia. Catlin’s wife died in Paris, and Catlin himself moved on to Brussels, where he would live until returning to America in 1870. Catlin died in Jersey City, New Jersey in late 1872. His obituary in the New York Times lauded him for his work documenting Indian life and criticized the Congress for not buying his collection of paintings. The collection of Catlin paintings stored in the factory in Philadelphia was eventually acquired by the Smithsonian Institution, where it resides today. Other Catlin works are in museums around the United States and Europe.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Economic History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 2

Economic History - Essay Example With respect to the role of Hayek in the socialist calculation debate, he reveals his position with respect to the possibilities of planning. While arguing against the possibility that is associated with planning in the case of the socialist calculation debate, Friedrich Hayek worked on two major theoretical papers. These include; â€Å"The Meaning of Competition† and â€Å"The use of Knowledge is Society†. Both of Hayek’s works were aimed at serving as a disproof to a fellow economist named Oscar Lange as well as the endorsements that he had made regarding a planned economy. This paper will evaluate Hayek’s works; â€Å"Meaning of Rivalry† and â€Å"The Adoption of Knowledge in Society†, to help determine his position with respect to the possibilities of planning for the economy. Based on his work, â€Å"Meaning of Competition†, Hayek reveals the benefits that are associated with a free market, which has not been subjected to the regulations that the government imposes to regulate the market. Instead, he reveals that the suppression of competition is among the major evils that prevail in a society, which experience has revealed to be a regular consequence. Also, these evils are also different from those imperfections that are affiliated with rivalry. Hayek stipulates that competition is an essential process that facilitates in the formation of different points of view. This is because it is efficient in terms of facilitating for the spread of information to diverse parties. It also facilitates in the creation of coherence and unity in the economic system, which most people presuppose whenever they treat it as one market. With a coherent and united economic system, it becomes possible for people to identify the goals that they have in common, and hence adopt approaches that can help them to boost the productivity and competitiveness of their society (Vaughn 537). Competition helps people to understand the best product for them and where

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Global expansion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Global expansion - Essay Example Political and social climate of foreign countries. Local taxes and regulatory systems. Currency risk and Foreign exchange management. Transfer pricing and supply chain management. Local workforce. Diversified cultures of international markets Cultural differences substantially impact the way companies do businesses. It is important to be aware of the disparities that will be at your disposal in the target market. When expanding into international market, the accustomed norms, values and behavior of the local citizens mustn’t be ignored. A bottle of American whisky can be an offense in middle-east countries. Political and social climate of foreign countries A stable political and social system can be beneficial for the company which intends to expand whereas; unrest and destabilized political system can create new issues for it. Local taxes and regulatory systems It is crucial to determine whether the tax regime for international businesses is friendly or competitive. Corporate tax rate with low headline is always appealing for the companies. Currency risk and foreign exchange management Companies must determine whether the local currency is stable or volatile. It should also stumble if currency hedging can be obtained at a reasonable cost. Transfer pricing and supply chain management Development of effective supply chain helps to generate the company’s cash flow more quickly. Brief information should also be gathered regarding the transfer pricing policies of the foreign countries. Local workforce Effective communication of the local workforce has the ability to make or break the progress of business. It is the foundation of success for every business. Right people at the right location that is, financers, staff, suppliers, regulators, quality of customers can provide a competitive edge to the business. 2. Explain what cultural barriers and diversity issues are commonly encountered by international/multinational (MNC) and global organizations.   Cultural Barriers and Diversity Issues MNCs usually promote consumerist culture by producing standard commodities for diversified cultures. Yet, culture often become barrier and creates distances. The following are the primary reason of diversified cultures all over the world. Communication and Language Barrier- Different languages are spoken in different countries which become a hindrance for MNCs. It is an essential means of communicating with customers, retailers, suppliers etc. therefore, language often becomes a barrier in diversified cultures. Religion- Religious backgrounds usually have substantial impact on the individuals. People do not psychologically and emotionally accept something which is not aligned with their religious values. This often becomes hindrance for MNCs while tapping into diversified nations and cultures. Accustomed/diversified Culture- Socio-cultural differences, norms, beliefs, values, attitudes, perceptions congregate to form a certain cultural backgro und of a country. These aspects vary from country to country and therefore construct a diversified nature of the world. 3. Why has diversity become such an important topic in the international arena? Importance of Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity plays a vital role for a company. The criteria diversifies customer groups on the basis of gender, race, ethnicity, age, educational background, beliefs, lifestyles, language,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Regiment Essay Example for Free

Regiment Essay The United States thought that the Japanese were spying on us and was sent from japan just to spy. Even though no spying was recorded the United States just wanted to keep cautious. The Japanese were relocated in internment camps located in the west coast. However, in nineteen forty three president Roosevelt and the war department decided to allow these Japanese Americans to volunteer in an all American-Japanese regiment to fight for their country in World War two. In May nineteen forty three approximately one thousand five hundred volunteers from the United States and three thousand from Hawaii assembled for training camp at Shelby Mississippi. One month later they arrive in Naples, Italy. The all Japanese-American regiment group joined up with the one hundred infantry Battalion. After fighting ten days in Italy the combat groups got their first rest, dry clothes, and hot food. The battle of the lost battalion took place in October of nineteen forty four. The thirty sixth division was paired with the four hundred forty second regimental combat group to fight the German army in the battle of Bruyeres. Over two hundred of the thirty six battalion group were lost in the forest and are trapped on a steep ridge in the Vosges Mountain in France the German army surrounded them on this ridge. General John E. Dahiquist soon ordered the four hundred forty second regimental combat team to rescue the thirty six division group, this was a shock to the Japanese regiment because General Dahiquist was thought of as bias to Japanese by the Japanese. During this journey to the ridge many care packages containing food and supplies were dropped by air support but the packages would get tangled in the trees or in far distances. When the group entered the forest the forest was so dark the soldiers couldn’t see the soldier in front of them. So the soldier had to hold on to the man in front of them backpack. Finally throughout the way the combat team had to fight the German soldiers and ended up defeating the Germans. Even though they won they still sort of lost because the group lost over eight hundred soldiers just to save two hundred men. So if the Japanese Americans are C-4’s the Japanese Americans would have never sacrificed their lives to save the American soldiers. The Nisei men proved their loyalty to the United States and showed bravery. However no awards were awarded. Most people suggested that this was due to prejudice in the United States. In the year two thousand President Clinton awarded 20 medal of honors to the regiment. The Japanese-Americans helped shorten the war with a victory over the Hitler and his Germans soldiers.

Friday, November 15, 2019

College Admissions Essay: My Dad :: College Admissions Essays

My Dad    In writing about an important person in my life, there are a number of people that I could discuss. But, I feel that the person who is very special to me and one who has been the most influential, is my dad.    He is the type of person that makes me very proud to say that he is my father, and the type of father that I am most fortunate to have. My father and I have always been very close. He is both loving and caring and the type of person that always puts his family first.    My dad has always been there for me both as a parent and a friend. When I was little, my dad got involved in coaching in my little league baseball, basketball and soccer, and always made time for these father and son activities. We liked to play ball together and still do at times. My dad is a big sports fan and so am I, and I look forward to the weekends when we watch the ball games together. My dad started to take my to the ball games when I was about 5 years old, and we've been doing that ever since. But, playing ball isn't all that's important in life. My father has given me the necessary guidance and has taught me values as a person that have helped me develop from a child into a responsible adult. I want him to be proud of me too, and I know that he is.    His influence has been very strong and meaningful, as I have gone through some difficult periods where he has helped me to be more focused on my goals and trying to accomplish what I set out to do. We discuss my problems, try to put them in the right perspective and deal with them properly. As I am still living at home, with my parents and sister, I am constantly

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Leg 100 Quiz 1 Essay

Question 1 5 out of 5 points Correct Which of the following is a type of law referencing formal rules embodied in judicial decisions rendered by courts? Answer Selected Answer: Public Correct Answer: Public Question 2 5 out of 5 points Correct Which of the following is not one of the four primary public policy objectives furthered by laws and regulations applicable to U.S. business? Answer Selected Answer: Promoting governmental regulation Correct Answer: Promoting governmental regulation Question 3 5 out of 5 points Correct Which of the following was enacted after widespread abuses in the subprime mortgage market? Answer Selected Answer: The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 Correct Answer: The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 Question 4 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following is a type of law referencing formal rules embodied in constitutions and statutes enacted by legislatures? Answer Selected Answer: Substantive Correct Answer: Public Question 5 5 out of 5 points Correct The ______ approach to business and society introduced in the text is a descriptive framework that integrates legal and societal considerations with mainstream theories of competitive advantage and social responsibility. Answer Selected Answer: Systems Correct Answer: Systems Question 6 5 out of 5 points Correct Managers can make their own ______ law by entering into contracts and crafting certain governance structures. Answer Selected Answer: Private Correct Answer: Private Question 7 5 out of 5 points Correct Which of the following was created by food advertisers in an attempt to halt government regulation aimed at stopping marketing preying on children’s vulnerability? Answer Selected Answer: The Children’s Advertising Review Unit Correct Answer: The Children’s Advertising Review Unit Question 8 5 out of 5 points Correct The â€Å"systems approach† to business and society builds on which of the following stakeholder theory insights? Answer Selected Answer: That firms have relationships with many constituent groups, which both affect and are affected by the actions of the firm. Correct Answer: That firms have relationships with many constituent groups, which both affect and are affected by the actions of the firm. Question 9 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following is listed in the text as a component of managing risk when assembling a team in business development? Answer Selected Answer: Purposefully refusing to address issues such as sexual harassment Correct Answer: Analyzing any covenants not to compete Question 10 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following is an advocacy group that has lobbied against marketing to children? Answer Selected Answer: The Alliance to Ban Advertising Targeting Children Correct Answer: The Center for Science in the Public Interest Question 11 5 out of 5 points Correct Which of the following is part of Kant’s categorical imperative? Answer Selected Answer: The form of an action rather than the intended result determines the ethical worth. Correct Answer: The form of an action rather than the intended result determines the ethical worth. Question 12 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following illustrates that corporate conduct violating society’s expectations can result in new forms of regulation without regard for feasibility or cost? Answer Selected Answer: The Corporate and Securities Reform and Retribution Consumer Protection Act of 2011 Correct Answer: The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010 Question 13 5 out of 5 points Correct Nobel prize winner Milton Friedman asserts that â€Å"social responsibility† is a fundamentally ____________ doctrine. Answer Selected Answer: subversive Correct Answer: subversive Question 14 5 out of 5 points Correct In which of the following are a majority of Fortune 500 companies incorporated? Answer Selected Answer: Delaware Correct Answer: Delaware Question 15 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following is a stakeholder of a corporation? Answer Selected Answer: Employees and customers, but not managers Correct Answer: Customers, employees and managers Question 16 5 out of 5 points Correct Which of the following are the three main theories under the comparative justice framework? Answer Selected Answer: Distributive, compensatory, and retributive Correct Answer: Distributive, compensatory, and retributive Question 17 5 out of 5 points Correct According to the Delaware Supreme Court, when does the role of a director shift from being a â€Å"protector of the corporate bastion† to being an â€Å"auctioneer† charged with obtaining the highest realizable short-term value for the shareholders? Answer Selected Answer: Only when the breakup of the corporation or a change of control has become inevitable Correct Answer: Only when the breakup of the corporation or a change of control has become inevitable Question 18 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following is not an example of St. Thomas Aquinas’ requirements for a law to be just? Answer Selected Answer: The law must be consonant with a reasoned determination of the universal good. Correct Answer: The law must be formed to promote a private benefit to the majority. Question 19 5 out of 5 points Correct Monica tells all her employees that she expects them to treat others as they would like to be treated. Which of following is a descriptive term for Monica’s requirement? Answer Selected Answer: The Golden Rule Correct Answer: The Golden Rule Question 20 0 out of 5 points Incorrect Which of the following is the group given the ultimate legal authority to change management? Answer Selected Answer: Human resource managers Correct Answer: Shareholders

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Basics Of Pharmaceuticals

Aside from the requisites of drug manufacturing, a drug company must also have the knowledge on the legal aspect of the pharmaceutical business. A company must be able to know what agencies of the government he has to seek advice from before it undergoes the manufacturing process in order to have a good start.Relative to this, the company needs to know which regulates the safety and efficacy of the drugs to be manufactured and which agency protects the rights of the manufacturer and the consumers against illicit drugs.This paper will discuss the basic responsibilities of the Food and Drug Administration and the Drug Enforcement Agency including the approval process of manufacturing a generic drug copy. FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION AND ITS RESPONSIBILITIES The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is generally responsible for ensuring the safety and efficacy of all drugs for human and veterinary use.FDA’s 1mission statement specifically states that the administration â€Å"is res ponsible for protecting the public health by assuring the safety, efficacy, and security of human and veterinary drugs, biological products, medical devices, our nation’s food supply, cosmetics, and products that emit radiation. † This will then give us the idea why FDA need to regulate drugs, and that is to ensure that they are safe and effective. The administration is also held responsible for ensuring that the drugs have information that is honest and accurate for the general public to use.The Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) (Drug Enforcement Administration for the United States) is primarily responsible for the enforcement of the Controlled Substances Laws and Regulations. In the United States, DEA is under the wing of the Department of Justice, where it serves as an arm of the justice against the 2those organizations and principal members of organizations, involved in the growing, manufacture, or distribution of controlled substances appearing in or destined for illi cit traffic in the United States. The DEA’s drugs of concern include: Cocaine, marijuana, heroin, inhalants, LSD, Ecstasy, Steroids, Oxycontin and Methamphetamine.The following list of specific responsibilities is adopted by this writer from the DEA’s official website: >Investigation and preparation for the prosecution of major violators of controlled substance laws operating at interstate and international levels. >Investigation and preparation for prosecution of criminals and drug gangs who perpetrate violence in our communities and terrorize citizens through fear and intimidation. >Management of a national drug intelligence program in cooperation with federal, state, local, and foreign officials to collect, analyze, and disseminate strategic and operational drug intelligence information.>Seizure and forfeiture of assets derived from, traceable to, or intended to be used for illicit drug trafficking. >Enforcement of the provisions of the Controlled Substances Act as they pertain to the manufacture, distribution, and dispensing of legally produced controlled substances. >Coordination and cooperation with federal, state and local law enforcement officials on mutual drug enforcement efforts and enhancement of such efforts through exploitation of potential interstate and international investigations beyond local or limited federal jurisdictions and resources.>Coordination and cooperation with federal, state, and local agencies, and with foreign governments, in programs designed to reduce the availability of illicit abuse-type drugs on the United States market through nonenforcement methods such as crop eradication, crop substitution, and training of foreign officials. >Responsibility, under the policy guidance of the Secretary of State and U. S. Ambassadors, for all programs associated with drug law enforcement counterparts in foreign countries.>Liaison with the United Nations, Interpol, and other organizations on matters relating to international drug control programs. DEA’S PROGRAMS AND OPERATIONS Drug Enforcement Agency also updates its programs and operations according to the demand of technology and the development of new methods of illicit drug operations. Recent report published in the KT4 Online alerted the public on the emergence of illegal websites that are bringing prescription drugs out into the market (KT4 Online, August 24, 2007).The DEA reported that such websites are able to market their products using just credit cards as payment modes. The agency now referred the so-called â€Å"rogue pharmacies† to the congress for the legislation of a more formidable law for such illegal and dangerous activities, which are regulated because such companies do not meet the standards set by the United States. Even medicinal or herbal plants that are not yet studied or regulated under the law is also under the responsibility of the DEA to study and made research relative to its danger in the human health.In Utah, a native plant called salvia divinorium, has been put into attention by the Hill Air Force Base which according to initial findings can cause hallucinations. In the report published in the Salt Lake Tribune, â€Å"magic mint† as its street name, is ingested or inhaled usually by the members of the military and the people inside the base (Salt Lake Tribune, August 20, 2007). The herbal plant is still legal as it is still under research by the DEA. Experts also say that the plant that grows in the wilds of Utah can cause lung irritation when its dried leaves are inhaled.LAWS AND POLICIES GOVERNING GENERIC DRUGS The regulations pertaining to generics drugs are under the responsibility of the Food and Drug Administration. Under the law, pharmaceutical companies or drug manufacturers have all the right to apply for a generic copy of their branded drugs. It can also be that a manufacturer seeks for a license from the brand name company to make a generic copy of the branded product . A generic copy of the drug is called â€Å"authorized generics† because the branded product manufacturer had given the authority to the manufacturer of the generic drug copy.However, these generic copied have to undergo the legal process that is regulated by the FDA. It is the Drug Price Competition and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984, commonly referred to as the Waxman-Hatch Act, which is being used as a legal basis for FDA for regulating generic drug copies. â€Å"Since the law was enacted over 23 years ago, the number of generic manufacturers and number of generic drug products on the market have expanded exponentially† (Coster, John M. 2007). The law allows a generic drug that is a generic copy of the pioneer drug to be approved by FDA to be marketed by the same company.This is even without the submission of the usual New Drug Application (NDA) that is submitted in full when a branded product is being applied for marketing. The NDA is usually a time-consuming and expensive clinical trials required to be done by the drug manufacturer in order to comply with the safety and efficacy standards required of them. With the Waxman-Hatch Act, NDA is being replaced with the submission of Abbreviated New Drug Application (ANDA) provided that the generic copy has demonstrated the fact that it is bioequivalent to the pioneer drug (J.Coster, The Pharmacist, Vol. 32, No. 6, 2007). This process allows the generic copy to be approved for marketing the easier and faster way because it does not to prove its safety and effectiveness through trials since the pioneer drug had already proven such. For the ANDA of the generic drug to be approved, its pioneer drug must have the four required certifications: (1) that no patent is listed for the pioneer drug; (2) that the patent has expired; (3) the date on which the patent will expire; or (4) that the patent is invalid or not infringed.Such information is listed in the FDA’s Orange Book, a reference for t he pharmacists in determining the interchangeability of the drugs. Just recently, the Waxman-Hatch Act has been replaced with 3McCain-Schumer Act, after its authors Senators John McCain and Charles E. Schumer. The main feature of the new act is the changing of the 180-day exclusivity term of the first generic drug copy to only the 30-day term. Exclusivity, in the old law is granted for the manufacturer of the generic drug to market the product exclusively within 180 days that is for the manufacturer who first secured the FDA’s approval of the generic copy.With the new law, exclusivity term is shortened for the purpose of further price reduction of the generic drugs as competition is encouraged after the 30-day term. It is estimated, according to Schumer’s study that the new law will enable consumers to save 60% of their usual expense when buying branded drugs and that will give consumers a total of $71 billion savings in 10 years (Bash, Dana, CNN Online, May 01, 2001). Schumer cited Claritin, a prescription allergy drug as example which costs an average of $63.65 while its generic equivalent will only cost $25. 46. Generally, the new law is of great help for the Americans in terms of their medical expenditures. CONCLUSION By looking into the basic responsibilities and functions of the FDA and DEA, we were able to have an idea of the basic legal aspect of drug manufacturing and marketing. Also by having an overview of the laws governing generic copy manufacturing, we were able to have the basic knowledge of how the approval process rolls.In general we can conclude that the legal process of drug manufacturing and marketing is really a long and expensive process for the companies especially for the branded or patented drugs. However with the Schumer-McCain Act, the process is shortened and had benefited especially the consumers for enabling the cheaper version of their branded medicine to be marketed. REFERENCES 1FDAs Mission Statement. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http://www. fda. gov/opacom/morechoices/mission. html 2DEA Mission Statement. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http://www.usdoj. gov/dea/agency/mission. htm 3Senate Passes Ground-Breaking Schumer-McCain Generic Drug Bill (Press Release). July 31, 2002. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http://schumer. senate. gov/SchumerWebsite/pressroom/press_releases/PR01124. html Bash, Dana. McCain, Schumer introduce generic drug bill. CNN Online. May 01, 2001. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http://archives. cnn. com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/05/01/senate. genericdrugs/index. html Coster, John M. The Waxman-Hatch Generic Drug Law: 23 Years Later. The Pharmacist. June 19, 2007. Vol. 32 No. 6Griffith, Christopher, et. al. (2002). View from Washington: Senate approves changes in generic-drug approval. Leydig, Voit Mayer, Ltd. Report. October 2002. Volume 3 Issue 4 Colonel bans use of ‘magic mint' herb. Salt Lake Tribune. August 20, 2007. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http: //www. sltrib. com/News/ci_6668009 Federal Authorities Warn Against Online Rogue Pharmacies. KT4 Online. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http://www. ktiv. com/News/index. php? ID=16295 What FDA Regulates. Retrieved on August 26, 2007 from http://www. fda. gov/comments/regs. html

Friday, November 8, 2019

1. Moral hazard is a form of information asymmetry Essays

1. Moral hazard is a form of information asymmetry Essays 1. Moral hazard is a form of information asymmetry when one decision-making agent takes more risky decisions because another decision-making agent bears the costs of the additional risk. An example in healthcare is medical insurance. If a person is well covered by a medical insurance, she knows that her healthcare costs will be covered by the insurer, therefore she has higher incentive to engage in risky lifestyle, habits and health practices, since the consequent healthcare expenses will be borne by the insurer. This additional risk caused by one agent is borne by another agent. 2. The concept of adverse selection arises when either buyer or seller has lack of information regarding the product in concern this leads to one side with inflormation making use of the other side with lack on information. Like in insurance if we know that our car is going to be used as ataxi and eill be travelling the high end mountains so the chances of it getting hurt is much more so the company must charge high premiums from such people but they cant because of lack of information 3. STRENGTHS/PROS OF GDP GDP provides a better analysis or measure of economy activity through its growth rate and changes in an economy than any other existing measure. It summarizes a whole range of economic information in and determines the comparative strengths and weaknesses of various sectors. GDP helps policy-makers and analysts to easily guide, adjust and implement economic policy. GDP serve as accurate barometer of the business climate, where it provides the government and business useful information to adjust in different kinds of contingency problems like recession and depression. GDP serve as a simple proxy for social and economic welfare. GDP is widely used in different parts of the world that give economist studies in comparing countries. WEAKNESSES/CONS OF GDP GDP does not include non-market activities. These activities are based on production and consumption that occur outside the market economy that does not have a price attached like unpaid house workers, volunteer work, barter and the illegal drug trade. GNP does not include domestic household products or black market. GNP does not consider how the wealth of a nation is distributed equally. For example GDP provides an estimate of each person share of the market economy but in reality some people share of the economy is greater than others. This level of unequal distribution of incomes and consumption and the incidence of poverty cannot be determined by tracking the GDP. Some GDP measured expenditures do not contribute to Economic Welfare. It does not account for any welfare loss or any negative events that results from an event such as a natural disaster environmental cleanup or reconstruction effort contributes to welfare and the GDP. 4. c 5. 6. 7. 8. c 9. b 10. b 11.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Guide to Punctuation for English Learners

Guide to Punctuation for English Learners Punctuation is used to mark the cadence, pauses, and tone in written English. In other words, punctuation helps us to understand when to pause between fully formed ideas when speaking, as well as organize our thoughts in writing. English punctuation marks include: period .comma  ,question mark ?exclamation mark !colon :semi colon ; Beginning English learners should focus on understanding the period, comma, and question mark. Intermediate to advanced student should also learn how to use colons and semi colons, as well as an occasional exclamation mark. This guide provides instruction on the basic rules of using a period, comma, colon, semicolon, question mark and exclamation point. Each type of punctuation is followed by an explanation and example sentences for reference purposes. Period Use a period to end a complete sentence. A sentence is a group of words containing a subject and predicate. In British English a period is called a full stop. Examples: He went to Detroit last week. They are going to visit. Comma There are a number of different uses for commas in English. Commas are used to: Separate a list of items. This is one of the most common uses of a comma. Notice that a comma is included before the conjunction and which comes before the final element of a list. Examples: I like reading, listening to music, taking long walks, and visiting with my friends. They would like books, magazines, DVDs, video cassettes, and other learning materials for their library. Separate phrases (clauses). This is especially true after a beginning dependent clause or a long prepositional phrase. Examples: In order to qualify for your certificate, you will need to take the TOEFL exam. Although he wanted to come, he wasnt able to attend the course. Separate two independent clauses that are connected by a conjunction such as but. Examples: They wanted to purchase a new car, but their financial situation would not allow it. Id really enjoy seeing a film this evening, and Id like to go out for a drink. Introduce a direct quote (as opposed to indirect speech i.e. He said he wanted to come ...). Examples: The boy said, My father is often away during the week on business trips. His doctor replied, If you dont stop smoking, you run the risk of a heart attack. Separate appositives (a noun, or noun phrase) or non-defining relative clauses. Examples: Bill Gates, the richest man in the world, comes from Seattle. My only sister, who is a fantastic tennis player, is in great shape. Question Mark The question mark is used at the end of a question. Examples: Where do you live? How long have they been studying? Exclamation Point The exclamation point is used at the end of a sentence to indicate great surprise. It is also used for emphasis when making a point. Be careful not to use an exclamation point too often. Examples: That ride was fantastic! I cant believe he is going to marry her! Semicolon There are two uses for a semicolon: To separate two independent clauses. One or both of the clauses are short and the ideas expressed are usually very similar. Examples: He loves studying; he cant get enough of school. What an incredible situation; it must make you nervous. To separate groups of words that are themselves separated by commas. Examples: I took a holiday and played golf, which I love; read a lot, which I needed to do; and slept late, which I hadnt done for quite a while. They plan to study German, for their travels; chemistry, for their work; and literature, for their own enjoyment. Colon A colon can be used for two purposes: To provide additional details and explanation. Examples: He had many reasons for joining the club: to get in shape, to make new friends, to lose some weight, and to get out of the house. She gave notice for the following reasons: bad pay, horrible hours, poor relations with colleagues, and her boss. To introduce a direct quote (a comma can also be used in this situation). Examples: He announced to his friends: Im getting married! She cried out: I never want to see you again!

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Macro and Micro Economics - 2 Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Macro and Micro Economics - 2 - Case Study Example Federal Reserves’s ability to increase the money supply because when the FRB lowers the reserve requirements, the excess reserves increase automatically. The commercial banks would have more freedom in lending out money and money supply would increase. The MPC of the economy is 1/3. The total government spending is $20 billion. This means that out of $20 billion, $6.66 billion would be spent and the rest would be saved. This $6.66 billion would become the income of subsequent consumers, who would spend $2.22 billion and save the rest. This is a geometric progression and its sum can be found out by the formula 1/1-r. Since MPC is 1/3, MPS becomes 2/3 or 0.66. The multiplier becomes 1.5 (1/0.66). Therefore, the total impact of initial increase of $20 billion is $30 billion ($20 billion* 1.5). A. Irving Fisher’s equation of exchange is derived from the equation of velocity (V) which is number of times in a year that a dollar is used to purchased goods and services. Firstly, GDP is required to be calculated. Then, the quantity of money in the economy (M) is to be calculated. GDP is divided by M to calculate V. It is given as follows: B. In the stock market, the timing of investment decisions is of paramount importance. When a major market correction is expected, people look to sell their stocks and increase their holding of money because of the possibility that the market might soon turn into a bear market. During a market correction, the values of the stocks fall and losses are suffered. Therefore, it is better to sell the stock before the â€Å"correction† arrives. A. Imposition of tariffs saves the local producers from the competition of foreign producers. It also brings tax revenue and helps in decreasing the imports of undesirable items. Importantly, it serves for the betterment of balance of trade. Quotas tend to be more protective than tariffs. They require a lot of paperwork and are hard to administer. Tariffs are easier to manage and unlike quotas,

Friday, November 1, 2019

Computer crime Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Computer crime - Article Example My personal security and information is protected under the various provisions of the U.S. constitution and I am not just about to surrender it to the FBI based upon a court order. The FBI has it all wrong, the citizens of America do not pose a threat to national security in general. But they are creating situations wherein the actions of the very government that was sworn to protect our interests, become the very threat to our national security. In fact, â€Å"...a group of prominent computer security experts argues that mandating â€Å"back doors† in online communications products is likely to compromise the security of Americans’ computers and could even pose a threat to national security. â€Å" (Lee, 2013). Would there be any reason for the FBI to legally intercept my electronic communications and spy on my internet activity? I believe that the only reasons that should be allowed would be if the person being surveilled is a foreigner on American soil who hails fr om a known terrorist country. If that person, or any American for that matter, proves to have some sort of terrorist leanings as evidenced by his offline activities, or, if the person is a known activist or perceived terrorist threat listed in other international terrorist warning lists. There is absolutely no reason in my book to surveille any average American citizen based on the assumption that he is a potential threat. According to Sanchez (2013), â€Å"The FBI’s misguided proposal would impose costly burdens on thousands of companies (and threaten to entirely kill those whose business model centers on providing highly secure encrypted communications), while making cloud solutions less attractive to businesses and users. It would aid totalitarian governments eager to spy on their citizens while distorting business decisions about software design. Perhaps worst of all, it would treat millions of law-abiding users with legitimate security needs as presumed criminals â€⠀ while doing little to hamper actual criminals. â€Å"It is upon those beliefs that I would not support any legislation to monitor private citizens on the internet if I were a legislator. Sources Lee, T. (2013). How the FBI's online wiretapping plan could your computer hacked. The Washington Post. Retrieved from online-wiretapping-plan-could-get-your-computer-hacked/ Sanchez, J. (2013). FBI's latest proposal for a wiretap ready internet should be trashed. Retrieved from is-misdirected-shortsighted-and-ridiculous/ Journal Question 2 The first big threat to computer security that I believe will be a big issue over the coming days will be the increased Windows 8 attacks geared towards malware, ransom kits, and rootkit modifications. I consider this threat to be a general one as it affects all computer users. The rootkits, ransom kits, and malware programs that are unknowingly installed into the computer poses a high level of personal information security breach and big scale attacks, thus leaving everyone vulnerable to the problem. Once our personal information, as stored on our computer hard drives are accessed by others, the problem of identity theft becomes a very hard to solve problem for everyone. This will not be an easy problem to solve as Windows has a track record of having the most problematic software that hackers can easily

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Degradation of Green Tea Catechins in Tea Drinks Assignment

Degradation of Green Tea Catechins in Tea Drinks - Assignment Example This study is significant because it studies the effect of processing conditions on GTC content. It is important to conserve the GTC content of tea during processing to retain its beneficial effects. Results of the study reveal that the GTC content of processed tea is significantly low compared to traditionally prepared tea. While a cup of traditionally brewed tea contains 400-500 mg of GTC, processed tea contains only 3-60 mg GTC. GTC is stable at room temperature. About 10-15%, GTC is lost when tea is heated up to 98 ?C for 15-30 minutes, with additional 5% loss on prolonged heating. Autoclaving at 120 ?C for 20 minutes, which is yet another step during processing, leads to a loss of 23% GTC. This loss is directly proportional to the pH of the medium. Furthermore, about 80% of the GTC content is degraded in a buffer medium of pH 6. The stability and shelf life of GTC is also found to be dependent on pH content in the absence of other ingredients. Half of the GTC content is lost wit hin 3 months at a pH below 4.5. Sucrose has no effect on the stability of GTC while citric acid leads to a faster degradation. Ascorbic acid has a protective effect in the first month after which it accelerates the degradation. In addition, the results also reveal that at high temperatures, EGCG undergoes epimerization to form GCG. This explains the contrasting GCG content between traditionally prepared tea and processed tea, wherein, the GCG content is higher by 45% in processed tea. Overall, it can be concluded that GTC degrades easily at high temperature and pH, and that the stability of GTC depends on the presence of other ingredients. Further studies that focus on the effect of each ingredient present in processed tea on the stability and speed of degradation of GTC are required. II. Coffee and Green Tea as a Large Source of Antioxidant Polyphenols in the Japanese Population (Fukushima et al 1253-1259) The objective of this study was to evaluate the total consumption of polyphe nols by Japanese people. Polyphenols are well known for their antioxidant activity and beverages are a major source of polyphenols in Japan. The findings of this study suggest that an individual per day consumes an average of 853 mg of polyphenols. The largest source of polyphenols in the Japanese population is coffee, which provides 200 ml of polyphenols in every 100 mL. The average polyphenol consumption through coffee is found to be 426 mg/day. The second largest source of polyphenol is Green tea, which contributes up to 292 mg polyphenols/day. Thus, coffee and green teas constitute up to 70% of the total beverage consumption and are the largest sources of polyphenols. Among fruits and vegetables, satsuma oranges and onions are the most consumed and provided 9 and 4 mg of polyphenols, respectively, per day. Cacao mass (chocolate) and black pepper contribute about 0.8 g and 0.2 g polyphenols per day. Measurement of the antioxidant activities correlates well with the total polyphen ol content of all the tested consumables, suggesting that the in vitro antioxidant activities are proportional to the total polyphenol quantities. Future studies will have to examine whether in vivo antioxidant properties of these polyphenols correlate well with those observed in vitro. III. Content of Potentially Anticarcinogenic Flavonoids of Tea Infusions, Wines, and Fruit Juices (Hertog, Hollman, and Putte 1242-1246) This study attempted to evaluate the concentrations of various anti-carcinogenic flavonoids in beverages such as tea, wines and fruit juices. The study found

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Speckled Band Essay Example for Free

The Speckled Band Essay Our task involves doing an essay on the similarities and differences of three detective fiction stories: The Speckled Band, A Scandal In Bohemia and The Dancing Men all written by the magnificent Arthur Conan Doyle. The genre of these particular stories is all based on Crime/detective. All three stories have the same type of structure although the contents are different. Even though the contents are different, the way they are organised is similar because they are detective stories we should expect similarities between them. Despite the different characters the crime and action in all three is similar. In all three stories there is the same central character Sherlock Holmes-the detective and his great friend Dr John Watson-the first narrator. Helen Stoner approaches Sherlock Holmes about the murder of her sister the night before she was duo to get married. Holmes investigates the cause of death. A Scandal In Bohemia The king of Bohemia comes to see Holmes about a valuable photo, which he needs to get hold of before it ruins his life. The Dancing Men Hilton Cubitt approaches Holmes with a problem; him and his wife are being sent childish drawings of dancing men. Holmes investigates further. The exposition in all three stories has many similarities and differences. There are many similarities I notified in the exposition of these stories, one of which was the dates e. g. in The Speckled Band -Early April in the year 83 Scandal In Bohemia-one night-20th March, 1888. Although the dates are given in two of the stories, I have realised that in The Dancing Men no specific dates are given. This emphasizing a difference in the exposition. In all three stories Dr John Watson is the first (person) narrator and Holmes is always introduced by him. For example in The Speckled Band-In glancing over my notes over the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my dear friend Sherlock Holmes. The Dancing Men-Holmes had been seated for some hours in silence with his long, thin back curved over a chemical vessel in which he was brewing a particularly malodorous product. A Scandal In Bohemia To Sherlock Holmes she is always the woman.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Susan Glaspells Trifles Essay

Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Susan Glaspell's Trifles  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, the male characters make several assumptions concerning the female characters. These assumptions deal with the way in which the male characters see the female characters, on a purely stereotypical, gender-related level. The stereotypical assumptions made are those of the women being concerned only with trifling things, loyalty to the feminine gender, and of women being subservient to their spouses. The first assumption, women being only concerned with trifling things, is seen beginning with line 120 where the men say: Sheriff:  Well, can you beat the women! Held for murder and worryin' about her preserves. County Attorney:  I guess before we're through she may have something more serious than her preserves to worry about. Hale:  Well, women are used to worrying over trifles. These lines show the attitude toward women prevalent throughout the play. It is the men's nonchalance toward the small details t... ...imple things in life, things of little or no significance to the important, male world in which they live. It is here we find the men to be wrong, for it is in the small, seemingly insignificant details that the guilt of a woman is found and stifled. Work Cited Glaspell, Susan. "Trifles." Plays by Susan Glaspell. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1920. Reprinted in Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia Eds. New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 1995. Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Susan Glaspell's Trifles Essay Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Susan Glaspell's Trifles  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   In the play Trifles, by Susan Glaspell, the male characters make several assumptions concerning the female characters. These assumptions deal with the way in which the male characters see the female characters, on a purely stereotypical, gender-related level. The stereotypical assumptions made are those of the women being concerned only with trifling things, loyalty to the feminine gender, and of women being subservient to their spouses. The first assumption, women being only concerned with trifling things, is seen beginning with line 120 where the men say: Sheriff:  Well, can you beat the women! Held for murder and worryin' about her preserves. County Attorney:  I guess before we're through she may have something more serious than her preserves to worry about. Hale:  Well, women are used to worrying over trifles. These lines show the attitude toward women prevalent throughout the play. It is the men's nonchalance toward the small details t... ...imple things in life, things of little or no significance to the important, male world in which they live. It is here we find the men to be wrong, for it is in the small, seemingly insignificant details that the guilt of a woman is found and stifled. Work Cited Glaspell, Susan. "Trifles." Plays by Susan Glaspell. New York: Dodd, Mead and Company, Inc., 1920. Reprinted in Literature: An Introduction to Fiction, Poetry and Drama. X.J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia Eds. New York: Harper Collins Publisher, 1995.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove: James Moleney Essay

Carl Matt – Carl is 15 years of age and is described as a low self-esteemed and obese child. He is the second eldest of the three Matt siblings (Sarah, Carl and Harley). Carl’s mother, Kerry, abandons him and his two other siblings, this makes him feel neglected and at the same time worried for his mother’s well being as she is nowhere to be found. Throughout the story, Carl struggles through many obstacles, however with the help of his new friends soon to meet, he is able to grow and become more confident about himself and towards others. Kerry Matt -Kerry Matt is the mother of the main protagonist, Carl. She is also the mother of Sarah, (Carl’s older Sister) and Harley, (Carl’s younger Brother). Throughout the novel, It is said that Kerry usually leaves her kids behind for more than a day. But when she left again she never came back. Harley Matt – Carl’s younger brother. He is constantly getting into trouble. He gets into fights, steals and gets caught doing graffiti. Skip Duncan – Owner of the barge Carl works on and wife to Joy. Skip initially is reluctant to hire Carl as he is a Matt, but begins to trust and eventually rely on him. Skip is bossy and stubborn, and earns little income from his business of ferrying cars across the cove. [1] Joy Duncan – Skip Duncans wife she is a Kind, Loving motherly figure. Carl Matt is an awkward, lumpy fifteen year-old who just wants to be loved. Sarah, Carl and Harley’s fathers all walked out on the family and their mother, Kerry often finds them too hard to cope with. When his mother walks out on the family, apparently for good, nineteen year-old Sarah, terrified of the responsibility of raising the two boys, heads toEurope, packing the boys off to stay with their Aunt Beryl in Wattle Beach. Beryl is less than delighted at the idea of taking in the boys, until she realizes that she can keep their social services payments. However, far from filling the role of their mother, she shows the boys no love and even attempts to keep Harley chained to the house to prevent him stealing and misbehaving. Carl is miserable in Wattle Beach . His size and awkwardness make him feel self-conscious and unable to make friends at school. Even the townspeople of Wattle Beach regard the boys with suspicion, believing all the Matt clan to be useless no-hopers. All Carl wants is a family and the security of knowing that he is loved. When, at sixteen, Carl stops receiving any social security benefits, Beryl forces him to leave school. He finds work with Skip and Joy Duncan who run a rusty run-down barge from Wattle Bay to the nearby island. When Carl first starts to work for them the business is losing money, largely because of competition from a rival barge company. Before long however, Carl, reveling in finally belonging to something, shows initiative and helps to bring trade to the struggling business. He even begins to find the courage to stand up to his uncaring, manipulative Aunt Beryl. But, just as Carl begins to experience happiness, family secrets come back to haunt him and again bring his world crashing down around him. Finally the truth is revealed and Carl is forced to confront many of his demons. Gradually he begins to let down his defences and allow others in, finally accepting himself as a loved and valued member of the community.